Orchestral Recordings Collection(65CD)
명인들이 빚어낸 시대의 향수
미국의 클래식 음반 레이블 웨스트민스터(The Westminster Recording Company)는 1949년 설립됐다. 거장과 명인들이 군웅할거 했던 제2차 세계대전 직후 '순수했던 시절' 20세기 연주 예술을 고스란히 간직하고 있다. 그야말로 클래식 음악의 보고다.
유니버설 뮤직의 기획으로 큰 호응을 얻었던 '웨스트민스터 레거시' 1차분 실내악 시리즈에 이어 2차분이 발매되었다. 2차분에는 그동안 구하기 힘들었던 관현악을 위주로 레퍼토리가 담겨 있어 애호가들의 사랑을 듬뿍 받을 것으로 예상된다. 모노럴과 스테레오 초기 녹음이 섞여 있지만 독특한 음색과 잘 잡힌 밸런스가 음악 감상의 묘미를 불러일으킨다
이번 2차분에는 보석같은 명인들의 과거 연주들이 모여있다. 웨스트민스터 레이블의 녹음들은 들으면 들을수록 어쩌면 다시는 재현하기 힘든 음반의 예술세계라는 데 공감하게 될 것이다. 음반 전체에 스며있는 애틋한 노스탤지어의 시선은 음악이 귀하고 연주가 빛났던, 그 어디에도 없을 시대를 향하고 있다.
글 류태형(대원문화재단 전문위원, 전 '객석' 편집장) 「해설지 중 발췌」
* 전세계 최초 한국에서만 발매되는 웨스트민스터 한정반 박스 Vol.2
* 절판되어 만날 수 없었던 웨스트민스터의 귀중한 관현악 음원을 총 망라한 박스 세트
* 헤르만 셰르헨, 아르투르 로진스키, 한스 크나퍼츠부쉬, 피에르 몽퇴 등 거장들의 명연 수록
* 오리지널 커버를 사용한 페이퍼 슬리브 사양 쟈켓
* 클라라 하스킬의 모차르트 협주곡과 다니엘 바렌보임의 베토벤 협주곡이 각각 보너스 디스크로 수록
* 컬럼니스트 류태형(대원문화재단 전문위원, 전 '객석' 편집장)의 아티스트에 대한 개관 수록
Disc 1
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)
Symphony No.8 in C Minor
1ⅠAllegro moderato 15:51
2Ⅱ Scherzo: Allegro moderato 15:54
Munich Philharmonic Orchestra
Hans Knappertsbusch
Recorded in January 1963; Bavaria Studio, Munich
Disc 2
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)
Symphony No.8 in C Minor
1Ⅲ Adagio 27:42
2Ⅳ Finale 26:00
Munich Philharmonic Orchestra
Hans Knappertbusch
Recorded in January 1963; Bavaria Studio, Munich
Disc 1
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Symphony No.9 in D Minor Op.125
1Ⅰ Allegro ma non troppo, unpocomaestoso 16:20
2ⅡMolto vivace 11:42
3ⅢAdagio molto e cantabile 14:43
4ⅣPresto -"O Freunde, nichtdieseT?ne!"- Allegro assai 25:22
Elisabeth Soderstrom (soprano)
Regina Resnik (contralto)
Jon Vickers (tenor)
David Ward (bass)
London Bach Choir
London Symphony Orchestra
Pierre Monteux
Recorded in June 1962;Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London
Disc 2
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
1 1st mov 9:11
2 2nd mov 7:03
3 3rd mov 9:43
4Ⅳ La Marseillaise 1:25
Elisabeth Soderstrom (soprano)
Regina Resnik (contralto)
Jon Vickers (tenor)
David Ward (bass)
London Bach Choir
London Symphony Orchestra
Pierre Monteux
Recorded in June 1962;Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London
Disc 1
Hector Berlioz (1803-1869)
Romeo and Juliet Op.17 (a dramatic symphony)
1 Introduction: Combat - Tumult - Intervention of the Prince (Orchestra) 4:52
2 Prologue: Choral - Recitative D'ancienneshainesendormies (Contralto and Chorus) 4:30
3 Strophes: Premiers transports quenuln'oublie (Contralto solo) 5:55
4Scherzetto: Bient?t de Rom?o la p?ler?verie (Tenor and Chorus) 3:17
5 Romeo Alone - The Capulets' Feast (Orchestra) 12:56
6 Scene of Love (Chorus and Orchestra) 18:37
Regina Resnik (contralto)
Andre Turp (tenor)
David Ward (bass)
London Symphony Orchestra Chorus
London Symphony Orchestra
Pierre Monteux
Recorded in June 1962;Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London
Disc 2
Hector Berlioz (1803-1869)
Romeo and Juliet Op.17 (a dramatic symphony)
1 Queen Mab Scherzo (Orchestra) 8:54
2 Funeral Convoy of Juliet (Orchestra and Chorus) 8:59
3Romeo in the Capulets' Tomb (Orchestra) 7:34
4Finale (Bass and Two Choruses) 19:11
Regina Resnik (contralto)
Andre Turp (tenor)
David Ward (bass)
London Symphony Orchestra Chorus
London Symphony Orchestra
Pierre Monteux
Recorded in June 1962;Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London
Disc 1
Peter Il'yich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Symphony No.4 in F Minor Op.36
1Ⅰ Andante sostenuto 17:06
2Ⅱ Andantino in modo di canzone 8:49
3Ⅲ Scherzo. Pizzicato ostinato: Allegro 5:23
4ⅣFinale: Allegro con fuoco 8:43
Symphony No.5 in E Minor Op.64
5Ⅰ Andante - Allegro con anima 14:13
6ⅡAndante cantabile, con alcunalicenza 13:21
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in September 20, 23 and 25, 1956 (Symphony 4) / October 2 and 3, 1954(Symphony 5);
Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London
Disc 2
Peter Il'yich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Symphony No.5 in E Minor Op.64
1ⅢValse: Allegro moderato 6:30
2Ⅳ Finale: Andante maestoso- Allegro vivace 10:24
Symphony No.6 in B Minor Op.74 "Pathetique"
1ⅠAdagio - Allegro non troppo 18:33
2Ⅱ Allegro con grazia 8:10
3Ⅲ Allegro molto vivace 8:23
4Ⅳ Adagio lamentoso 9:46
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in September 2 and 3, 1954 (No. 5) / October 3 and 4, 1954 (No. 6); Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London
Disc 1
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Suites for Orchestra BWV1066-1069
Suite No.1
1Overture 8:04
2Courante 1:17
3 Gavotte 1, Gavotte 2 2:19
4Forlane 0:54
5Menuetto 1, Menuetto2 3:16
6Bourr?e 1, Bourr?e 2 1:50
7 Passepied 1, Passepied 2 1:35
Suite No.2
8Overture 9:25
9Rondeau 1:42
10Sarabande 3:45
11 Bourr?e 1, Bourr?e 2 2:15
12Polonaise 2:29
13Menuet 1:54
14Badinarie 1:44
English Baroque Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in September 1954
Disc 2
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Suites for Orchestra BWV1066-1069
Suite No.3
1Overture 8:17
2Air 6:29
3Gavotte 3:50
4 Bourr?e 1:22
5Gigue 2:55
Suite No.4
6Overture 9:55
7 Bourr?e 1, Bourr?e 2 2:13
8Gavotte 1:49
9Menuett 3:27
10Rejouissance 2:33
English Baroque Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in September 1954
Disc 1
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
The Art of Fuge BWV1080
Four Simple Fugues with One Thematic Element
1 Simple Fugue on the Original Subject, Rectus (four voices) - Winds 3:20
2 Simple Fugue on the Original Subject, Inversus (four voices) - Strings 5:14
3 Simple Fugue on the Original Subject, Rectus (four voices) - Winds 3:02
4 Simple Fugue on the Original Subject, Inversus (four voices) - Strings 6:58
Four Counter Fugues with Two Thematic Elements
5 Fugue in Contrary Motion on a Variation of the Original Subject, Rectus and Inversus (four voices) - Winds and Strings 2:57
6 First Double Fugue on a New Subject and a Variation of the Original Subject (four voices) - Winds and Strings 6:28
7 Second Double Fugue on a New Subject and the Original Subject (four voices) - Winds and Strings 2:29
8 Fugue in Contrary Motion on a Variation of the Original Subject, Rectus and Inversus, with Diminution (four voices) - Winds and Strings 3:12
Four Counterpoints with Three Thematic Elements
9 Canon in Contrary Motion with Augmentation (two voices) - Cembalo 3:38
10 First Triple Fugue on Two New Subjects and a Variation of the Original Subject (three voices) - Full Orchestra 10:37
11 Fugue in Contrary Motion on a Variation of the Original Subject, Rectus and Inversus, with Augmentation and Diminution (four voices) - Winds and Strings 5:00
12 Second Triple Fugue on Two New Subjects and a Variation of the Original Subject (four voices) - Full Orchestra 10:28
Members of the Vienna Radio Orchestra and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra
Herbert Tachezi (Cembalo)
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1965; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Disc 2
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
The Art of Fuge BWV1080
1 1 Canon at the Octav (two voices) 2:38
2 First Mirror Fugue on a Variation of the Original Subject,
Rectus (three voices) 2:44
3 First Mirror Fugue on a Variation of the Original Subject,
Inversus (three voices) 2:42
4 Canon at the 10th (two voices) 6:35
5 Second Mirror Fugue on a Variation of the Original Subject,
Rectus (four voices) 4:37
6 Second Mirror Fugue on a Variation of the Original Subject,
Inversus (four voices) 5:05
7 Canon at the 12th (two voices) 2:18
8 Quadruple Fugue (unfinished) on Three New Subjects,
the Third Subject Being B-A-C-H (four voices) 13:09
9 Chorale Prelude on "VorDeinenThrontretichhiermit"
(Before thy throne I now appear) 4:42
Members of the Vienna Radio Orchestra and the Vienna Symphony Orchestra
Herbert Tachezi (Cembalo)
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1965; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Disc 1
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
Symphony No.2 in C Minor "Resurrection"
1Ⅰ Allegro maestoso 24:46
2Ⅱ Andante moderato 11:46
3ⅢScherzo 12:27
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded on June 10 and 11, 1958; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Disc 2
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
Symphony No.2 in C Minor "Resurrection"
1ⅣUrlicht 6:49
2ⅤIm Tempo des Scherzo 37:33
Mimi C?rtse (soprano)
Lucretia West (mezzo soprano)
Vienna Akademie Chamber Chorus
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded on June 10 and 11, 1958; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Disc 1
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
Symphony No.5 in C Sharp Minor
1ⅠTrauermarsch.In gemessenemSchritt.Streng.WieeinKondukt 11:15
2ⅡSt?rmischbewegt.Mitgr?ßterVehemenz 13:28
3Ⅲ Scherzo: Kr?ftig, nichtzuschnell 18:00
4ⅣAdagietto: Sehrlangsam 9:10
5Ⅴ Rondo - Finale: Allegro 15:11
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in July 1953; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Disc 2
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
Symphony No.10 in F Sharp Major
1ⅠAdagio 28:42
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in July 1953; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Disc 1
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Brandenburg Concertos BWV1046~1050
No.1 in F Major BWV1046
1 Allegro 5:10
2 Adagio 5:36
3 Allegro 5:21
4 Menuetto - Trio 1 - Polacca - Trio 2 9:40
No.2 in F Major BWV1047
5 Allegro 5:59
6 Andante 4:41
7 Allegro assai 3:13
No.3 in G Major BWV1048
8 Allegro 7:59
9 Adagio 0:19
10 Allegro 6:31
WilliBoskowski (violin)
Joerg Schaeftlein (oboe)
Karl Dvorak (bassoon)
Franz Koch (horn)
Franz Bachnaier (horn)
Franz Holetschek (harpsichord)
Alfred Scherbaum (trumpet)
CamilloWanausek (flute)
Richard Harand (cello)
Paul Angerer (recorder)
Karl Trotzmuller (recorder)
George Malcolm (harpsichord)
Ernst Kiss (viola)
Eduard Rab (viola)
Beatrice Reichert (gamba)
Elisabeth Schreinzer (gamba)
Burkhart Krautler (contrabass)
Members of the Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in March 1960
Disc 2
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Brandenburg Concertos BWV1046~1050
No.4 in G Major BWV1049
1 Allegro 8:19
2 Andante 6:13
3 Presto 5:59
No.5 in D Major BWV1050
4 Allegro 11:17
5 Affettuoso 6:56
6 Allegro 5:58
No.6 in B Flat Major BWV1051
7 Allegro 8:08
8 Adagio ma non tanto 4:57
9 Allegro 6:31
WilliBoskowski (violin)
Joerg Schaeftlein (oboe)
Karl Dvorak (bassoon)
Franz Koch (horn)
Franz Bachnaier (horn)
Franz Holetschek (harpsichord)
Alfred Scherbaum (trumpet)
CamilloWanausek (flute)
Richard Harand (cello)
Paul Angerer (recorder)
Karl Trotzmuller (recorder)
George Malcolm (harpsichord)
Ernst Kiss (viola)
Eduard Rab (viola)
Beatrice Reichert (gamba)
Elisabeth Schreinzer (gamba)
Burkhart Krautler (contrabass)
Members of the Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in March 1960
Disc 1
Arthur Honegger (1892-1955)
3 Symphonic Movements
1 Pacific 231 - Mouvement symphonique No.1 6:18
2 Rugby - Mouvement symphonique No.2 7:03
3 Mouvement symphonique No.3 10:15
4 Pr?lude pour la Temp?te 4:15
5 Pastorale d' ?t? 8:26
6 Chant de joie 5:56
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in September 1954; Walthamstow Hall, London
Disc 2
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
Firebird Suite
1 Introduction 3:29
2 L'oiseau de feu sa danse 0:14
3 Variation de l'oiseau de feu 1:09
4 Ronde des princesses 4:25
5 Danse infernale du roi Kastchei 3:51
6Berceuse 3:35
7 Finale 3:11
Petrushka (1911 version)
Scene Ⅰ: The Shrove - Tide Fair
8 Vivace 5:04
9 The Magic Trick 1:56
10 Russian Dance 2:22
11 Scene Ⅱ: Petrushka's Room 4:13
Scene Ⅲ: The Moor's Room
12 Feroce stringendo 3:16
13 Dance of the Ballerina 0:44
14 Valse 3:24
Scene Ⅳ: The Shrove Tide Fair Towards Evening
15 Con moto 0:54
16 Dance of the Nursemaids 1:58
17 Peasant with Bear 1:30
18 The Gypsy Girls Dance 0:54
19 Dance of the Coachmen 2:08
20 The Mummers 1:38
21 Scuffle 1:02
22 Death of Petrushka 1:30
23 Petrushka's Ghost 0:41
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in September 1954; Walthamstow Hall, London
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Die Meistersinger von N?rnberg
1 Prelude to Act Ⅰ 10:48
2 Overture 16:04
Tristan und Isolde
3 Prelude and Liebestod 15:28
4 Prelude to Act Ⅰ 11:43
Munich Philharmonic Orchestra
Hans Knappertsbusch
Recorded in November 1962; Bavaria Studio, Munich
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
1 Overture 13:32
The Flying Dutchman
2 Overture 12:20
3 Siegfried Idyll 19:04
4 Prelude to Act Ⅰ 7:22
Munich Philharmonic Orchestra
Hans Knappertsbusch
Recorded in November 1962; Bavaria Studio, Munich
C?sar Franck (1822-1890)
Symphony in D Minor
1ⅠLento-Allegro non troppo 18:05
2ⅡAllegretto 10:34
3ⅢAllegro non troppo 10:41
4 Le Chasseur maudit 15:59
Orchestra of The Vienna State Opera
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in June 27 to July 11, 1954;Mozartsaal and Konzerthaus,Vienna
Georges Bizet (1838-1875)
"Carmen" Suite
1 No.1: Pr?lude (Pr?lude to Act Ⅰ) 1:29
2 No.2: Aragonaise (Pr?lude to Act Ⅳ) 2:22
3 No.3: Intermezzo (Pr?lude to Act Ⅲ) 2:54
4 No.4: Les Dragons d'Alcala (Pr?lude to Act Ⅱ) 1:28
5 No.5: Les Tor?adors (Act Ⅰ) 2:03
6 No.6: Marche des Contrebandiers (Act Ⅲ) 3:52
7 No.7: Habanera (Act Ⅰ) 2:03
8 No.8: Nocturne (Michaela's Aria) (Act Ⅲ) 5:47
9 No.9: La Garde Montante (Children's Chorus) (Act Ⅰ) 3:23
10 No.10: Danse Boh?me (Act Ⅱ) 3:56
"L'Arl?sienne" Suites
Suite No.1
11 No.1: Pr?lude; allegro deciso (Tempo di marcia) 3:11
12 No.2: Minuet; Allegro giocoso 2:58
13 No.3: Adagietto; Adagio 3:21
14 No.4: Carillon; Allegretto moderato 4:06
Suite No.2 (arr. by Ernest Guiraud)
15 No.1: Pastorale; Andante sostenuto assai 5:45
16 No.2: Intermezzo; Andante moderato ma con moto 4:59
17 No.3: Minuet; Andantino quasi allegretto 3:04
18 No.4: Farandole; Allegro deciso (Tempo di marcia) 2:01
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in October 1954; Walthamstow Hall, London
Anton?n Dvo??k (1841-1904)
Complete Slavonic Dances
Slavonic Dances Op.46, B.83
1 No.1 in C Major 4:15
2 No.2 in E Minor 5:14
3 No.3 in A Flat Major 4:12
4 No.4 in F Major 7:19
5 No.5 in A Major 3:11
6 No.6 in D Major 6:04
7 No.7 in C Minor 3:38
8 No.8 in G Minor 4:38
Slavonic Dances Op.72, B.147
9 No.1 in B Major 4:09
10 No.2 in E Minor 7:00
11 No.3 in F Major 3:06
12 No.4 in D Flat Major 5:21
13 No.5 in B Flat Minor 2:38
14 No.6 in B Flat Major 3:53
15 No.7 in C Major 3:09
16 No.8 in A Flat Major 7:17
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in April 8 to May 27, 1955 (Op.46 & Op.72-1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7); May 6, 1955 (Op.72-5, 8);
Walthamstow Hall, London
Johann StraussⅡ (1825-1899)
1The Blue Danube Op.314 10:06
2 Emperor Waltz Op.437 8:27
3 Voices of Spring Op.410 6:19
4 Roses from the South Op.388 8:00
5 Tales from the Vienna Woods Op.325 12:10
Richard Strauss (1864-1949)
6"Rosenkavalier" Suite (arr. by Artur Rodzinski & Leonard Bernstein) 18:34
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in April and May 1955; Walthamstow Hall, London
Zolt?n Kod?ly (1882-1967)
1Dances of Gal?nta 15:38
2Marossz?k Dances 14:14
"H?ry J?nos" Suite
3 No.1: Prelude. The Fairy Tale Begins 3:38
4 No.2: Viennese Musical Clock 2:06
5 No.3: Song 5:48
6 No.4: The Battle and Defeat of Napoleon 3:44
7 No.5: Intermezzo 4:10
8 No.6: Entrance of the Emperor and his Court 2:49
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in April and May 1955; Walthamstow Hall, London
Dmitry Shostakovich (1906-1975)
Symphony No.5 in D Minor Op.47
1 1 Moderato 14:21
2 2 Allegretto 4:21
3 3 Largo 13:56
4 4 Allegro non troppo 8:02
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in October 1954; Walthamstow Hall, London
Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)
1 Night on Bald Mountain (arr. by N. Rimsky-Korsakov) 10:05
Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov (1859-1935)
Caucasian Sketches Op.10
2 No.1: In the Mountain Pass 8:54
3 No.2: In the Village 4:53
4 No.3: In the Mosque 3:51
5 No.4: Procession of the Sardar 3:34
Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)
Pictures at an Exhibition (Orchestrated by Maurice Ravel)
6 Promenade 1:27
7Gnomus 2:42
8 Promenade 0:53
9 The Old Castle 4:33
10 Promenade 0:34
11Tuilleries 0:56
12Bydlo 2:17
13 Promenade 0:45
14 Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens 1:12
15 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle 2:08
16 The Market Place at Limoges 1:18
17Catacombae 4:07
18 The Hut on Fowls' Legs (Baba-Yaga) 3:14
19 The Great Gate of Kiev 4:32
Alexander Borodin (1833-1887)
Prince Igor
20Polovtsian Dances 10:38
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in April and May 1955; Walthamstow Hall, London
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Symphony No.5 in C Minor Op.67
1 1 Allegro con brio 6:15
2 2 Andante con moto 9:49
3 3 Allegro 4:51
4 4 Allegro 8:09
Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Symphony No.8(7) in B Minor D.759 "Unfinished"
5 1 Andante moderato 12:27
6 2 Andante con moto 12:06
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in September 1956; Walthamstow Hall, London
Anton?n Dvo??k (1841-1904)
Symphony No.9 in E Minor Op.95 "From the New World"
1 1 Adagio-Allegro 8:50
2 2 Largo 13:53
3 3 Scherzo 7:12
4 4 Finale: Allegro 9:59
Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
"Peer Gynt" Suites
Suite No.1 Op.46
5 No.1: Morning 4:25
6 No.2: ?se's Death 6:41
7 No.3: Anitra's Dance 3:27
8 No.4: In the Hall of the Mountain King 2:15
Suite No.2 Op.55
9No.1: Ingrid's Lament 4:30
10 No.2: Arabian Dance 5:08
11 No.3: Return of Peer Gynt 2:48
12 No.4: Solveig's Song 5:42
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in October 5, 7, 8 and 9, 1954 (Dvo??k); April 29 and 30, 1955 (Grieg);
Walthamstow Hall, London
Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953)
Symphony No.1 in D Major Op.25 "Classical Symphony"
1 1 Allegro 3:29
2 2 Larghetto 3:42
3 3 Gavotte: Non troppo allegro 1:19
4 4 Molto vivace 3:56
"The Love for Three Oranges" Suite Op.33b
5 No.1: Les Ridicules 2:45
6 No.2: Le Magician Tch?lioet Fata Marganajouent aux cartes (Sc?ne Infernale) 3:01
7 No.3: Marche 1:27
8 No.4: Scherzo 1:17
9 No.5: Le Prince et la Princesse 3:39
10 No.6: La Fuite 1:55
Richard Strauss (1864-1949)
11 Don Juan Op.20 17:31
12Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks Op.28 13:40
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in April and May 1955; Walthamstow Hall, London
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Die Walk?re
1Ride of the Valkyries 4:26
Tristan und Isolde
2 Prelude and Liebestod 17:02
3 Siegfried's Funeral Music 6:46
4 Dawn and Siegfried's Rhine Journey 9:29
Die Walk?re
5 Magic Fire Music 6:54
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in April 1955; Walthamstow Hall, London
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Die Meistersinger von N?rnberg
1 Prelude to Act Ⅰ 8:08
2 Prelude to Act Ⅲ ~ Dance of Apprentices ~ Procession of the Mastersingers 11:17
3 Overture 12:42
4 Prelude to Act Ⅰ 7:46
5ArturRodzinski's Rehearsal
~ Arthur Rodzinski's farewell to the orchestra at the conclusion of his last recording session for Westminster. 5:32
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in April 1955& September 1956; Walthamstow Hall, London
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Musical Offering BWV1079
1 Ricercare a3 6:18
2 Canon Perpetuus 0:57
3 Canon a2 0:27
4 a2 Violini in unimoso 1:14
5 a2 Per motum contrarium 1:09
6 a2 Per tonos 2:08
7 Fuga canonica in Epidiapente 2:25
8 Canon a2 A 0:57
9 Canon a2 B 0:59
10 a2 Per augmentationem 1:40
11 Canon Perpetuus 1:02
12 Canon a4 2:47
13 Trio Sonata: Largo 5:40
14 Trio Sonata: Allegro 6:10
15 Trio Sonata: Andante 3:08
16 Trio Sonata: Allegro 2:56
17 Recercare a6 7:50
Cammillo Wanausek (flute)
Freidrich W?chter (oboe)
Josef Noblinger (english horn)
Franz Killinger (bassoon)
Gustav Swoboda (1st violin)
Alois Bog (2nd violin)
Arthur Kreiner (viola)
Viktor Gorlich (cello)
Kurt Rapf (cembalo)
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in 1951; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Alban Berg (1885-1935)
Concerto for Violin, Piano and Winds
1 Ⅰ Theme scherzoso con Variazioni
2 Ⅱ Adagio
3 Ⅲ Rondo rimico con Introduzione
Arnord Sch?nberg (1874-1951)
4 Chamber Symphony No.1 Op.9
Friedrich W?chter (oboe)
Karl Gruber (english horn)
Alfred Rose (clarinet)
Rchard Sch?nhofer (clarinet)
Erich Webner (bass clarinet)
Otto Fleischmann (contrabassoon)
Erunst Muhlbacher (horn)
Herwig Nitsch (horn)
Robert Gerle (violin)
Normann Shetler (piano)
Herbert Weissberg (piccolo)
Gottfried Hechtl (flute)
Walter Krenn (bassoon)
Richard Rudolf (trumpet)
Hans Pottler (trombone)
Kamillo Wanausek (flute)
Leo Cermak (bassoon)
Thomas Kakuska (violin)
Siegfried Fubrlinger (violin)
Fritz Handschke (viola)
Richard Harand (cello)
Firmin Pirker (contrabass)
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1964; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Paul Hindemith (1895-1963)
Kammermusik Nr.4 fur Solo Violin und Grosseres Kammerorchester Op.36·3
1 Ⅰ Signal : Breite, majestatische Halbe
Ⅱ Sehr Iebhaft 7:31
2 Ⅲ Nachtstuck : Massig schnelle Achtel 7:18
3 Ⅳ Lebhafte Viertel
Ⅴ So Schnell wie moglich 5:51
Kurt Weill (1900-1950)
Konzert fur Violine und Blasorchester Op.12
4 Andante con moto 11:40
5 Notturno - Cadenza - Serenata 10:59
6 Allegro molto, un poco agitato 7:28
Gottfried Hechtl (flute)
Herbert Weissberg (flute)
Hermann Stiedl (bassoon)
Franz Zamazal (percussion)
Firmin Pirker (contrabass)
Friedrich Nadlischek (contrabass)
Hermann Scherchen
Robert Gerle (violin)
Alfred Rose (clarinet)
Richard Sch?nhofer (clarinet)
Erich Webner (bassclarinet)
Otto Fleischmann (Contrabassoon)
Richard Rudolf (cornet)
Josef Rohm (trombone)
Gunter Schindler (bass tuba)
Hans Kossich (percussion)
Fritz H?ndschke (viola)
Thomas Kakuska (viola)
Siegfried F?hrlinger (viola)
Anton Purkner (viola)
Richard Harand (cello)
Wolfgang Herzer (cello)
Erunst Zw?lfer (cello)
Garo Atmacayan (cello)
Adolf Formanek (contrabass)
Reinhard Durrer (contrabass)
Friedrich W?chter (oboe)
Richard Sch?nhofer (oboe)
Erich Webner (clarinet)
Otto Fleischmann (bassoon)
Erunst Muhlbacher (horn)
Herwig Nitsch (horn)
Richard Rudolf (trumpetto)
Ferdinand Breyer (contrabass)
Recorded in June 1964; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Wellington's Victory Op.91
1 ⅠBattle 8:32
2 Ⅱ Victory Symphony 7:04
Carl Orff (1895-1982)
3 Entrata 8:35
Giovanni Gabrielli (1553~6-1612)
4 Canzon in Primi Toni 5:15
5 Wellington's Victory - Rehearsal 24:04
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in October 1960; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
Sinfonia No.100 in G Major "Military"
1 Ⅰ Adagio, Allegro
2 Ⅱ Allegretto
3 Ⅲ Menuetto, Moderato
4 Ⅳ Finale, Presto
Sinfonia No.45 in F sharp Minor "Farewell"
5 Ⅰ Allegro
6 Ⅱ Andante
7 Ⅲ Menuetto, Allegretto
8 Ⅳ Presto - Adagio
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in 1958; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Sinfonia Concertante in B flat Major, Op.84
9 Ⅰ Allegro
10 Ⅱ Andante
11 Ⅲ Allegro con spirito
J?rg Schaeftlein (oboe)
Leo Cermak (bassoon)
Michael Schnizler (violin)
Wolfgang Herzer (cello)
Vienna Radio Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1965; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
Symphony No.1 in D-Major "Titan"
1 Ⅰ Langsam, Schleppend. Wie ein Naturlaut 15:06
2 Ⅱ Kr?ftig bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell 6:07
3 Ⅲ Feierlich und gemessen, ohne zu schleppen 10:52
4 Ⅳ St?rmisch bewegt 17:39
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in September 1954; Walthamstow Hall, London
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
Symphony No.7 in E-Minor "Nachtmusik"
1 Ⅰ Langsam (Adagio) - Allegro 20:33
2 Ⅱ Nachtmusik Ⅰ : Allegro moderato 15:35
3 Ⅲ Scherzo. Schattenhaft 9:06
4 Ⅳ Nachtmusik Ⅱ. Andante amoroso 14:21
5 Ⅴ Rondo - Finale. Tempo Ⅰ (Allegro ordinario) - Maestoso 17:56
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in July 1953; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Symphony No.3 in E Major Op.55 "Eroica"
1 Ⅰ Allegro con brio 14:42
2 Ⅱ Marcia funebre; Adagio assai 15:38
3 Ⅲ Scherzo; Allegro vivace 5:52
4 Ⅳ Finale; Allegro molto 12:25
Symphony No.1 in C Major Op.21
5 Ⅰ Adagio molto ? Allegro con brio 7:21
6 Ⅱ Andante cantabile con moto 6:08
7 Ⅲ Menuetto; Allegro molto e vivace 3:38
8 Ⅳ Adagio ? Allegro molto e vivace 5:51
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in October 1953 (No.3) / October, 1954 (No.1); Mozartsaal, Vienna
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Symphony No.2 in D Major Op.36
1 Ⅰ Adagio molto - Allegro con brio 9:30
2 Ⅱ Larghetto 10:10
3 Ⅲ Scherzo: Allegro 3:44
4 Ⅳ Allegro molto 5:44
Symphony No.8 in F Major Op.93
1 Ⅰ Allegro vivace e con brio 8:21
2 Ⅱ Allegretto scherzando 3:50
3 Ⅲ Tempo di menuetto 4:31
4 Ⅳ Allegro vivace 6:22
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in September 1954; Walthamstow Hall, London
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Symphony No.5 in C Minor Op.67
1 Ⅰ Allegro con brio 6:56
2 Ⅱ Andante con moto 10:14
3 Ⅲ Allegro 5:29
4 Ⅳ Allegro 7:32
Symphony No.4 in B Major Op.60
5 Ⅰ Adagio ? Allegro vivace 8:53
6 Ⅱ Adagio 9:52
7 Ⅲ Allegro vivace 5:33
8 Ⅳ Allegro ma non troppo 4:48
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in September 1954; Walthamstow, London
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Symphony No.6 in F Major Op.68 "Pastoral"
1 Ⅰ Allegro ma non troppo "Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei den Ankunft auf dem Lande"
2 Ⅱ Andante molto mosso "Szene am Bach"
3 Ⅲ Allegro "Lustiges Zusammensein der Landleute"
4 Ⅳ Allegro "Gewitter, Sturm"
5 Ⅴ Allegretto "Hirtengesang - Frore und dankbare Gef?hle nach dem Sturm
Symphony No.7 in A Major Op.92
6 Ⅰ Poco sostenuto
7 Ⅱ Allegretto
8 Ⅲ Presto
9 Ⅳ Allegro con brio
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1958(No.6) and June 1951(No.7); Mozartsaal, Vienna
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Symphony No.9 in D Minor Op.125
1 Ⅰ Allegro ma non troppo. un poco maestoso 17:15
2 Ⅱ Molto vivace 12:25
3 Ⅲ Adagio molto e cantabile 16:10
4 Ⅳ Presto. "O Freunde. nicht diese T?ne!" ? Allegro assai 26:12
Magda Laszlo (soprano)
Hilde R?ssel-Majdan (alto)
Petre Munteanu (tenor)
Richard Standen (bass)
Vienna Akademie Chamber Chor
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in July 1953; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Peter Il'yich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Symphony No.4 in F Minor Op.36
1 Ⅰ Andante sostenuto 18:52
2 Ⅱ Andantino in modo di canzone 7:51
3 Ⅲ Scherzo. Pizzicato ostinato : Allegro 6:12
4 Ⅳ Finale : Allegro con fuoco 9:06
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1951; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)
Scheherazade Op.35
1 Ⅰ The sea and Sindbad's ship 11:47
2 Ⅱ The tale of the Kalendar-prince 11:06
3 Ⅲ The young prince and the young princess 10:12
4 Ⅳ Festival at Bagdad, The sea, The ship is wrecked on the rock surmounted by a bronze warrier, Conclusion 13:24
The Tale of Czar Saltan
5 The Flight of the Bumble Bee 1:40
Alexander Borodin (1833-1887)
Prince Igor
6 Polovtsian Dances 12:05
Rudolf Streng (solo violin) (1-4)
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in 1957; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Peter Il'yich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
1 1812 Overture Op.49 15:31
2 Romeo and Juliet (Overture Fantasy) 22:52
Aram Khachaturian (1903-1978)
3 Sabre Dance 2:28
4 Lullaby 5:23
5 Dance of the Rose Maidens 2:23
6 Dance of the Young Kurds 4:02
7 Lezginka 2:00
8 Dance of the Kurds 2:56
Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881)
9 Night on Bald Mountain (arr. by N. Rimsky-Korsakov) 10:37
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in May 1957; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953)
Scythian Suite, Op.20 "Ala and Lolly"
1 Ⅰ L'adoration de V?l?ss et d'Ala
2 Ⅱ Le dieu ennemi et la danse des esprits noirs
3 Ⅲ La nuit
4 Ⅳ Le depart glorieux de Lolly et le cort?ge du soleil
Lieutenant Kije Suite, Op.60
5 Ⅰ The Birth of Kije
6 Ⅱ Romance
7 Ⅲ The Wedding of Kije
8 Ⅳ Troika
9 Ⅴ Interment of Kije
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1951; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Paul Dukas (1865-1935)
1 The Sorcerer's Apprentice 13:26
Manuel de Falla (1876-1946)
2 Danza del Terror 1:49
3 Danza Ritual del Fuego 4:05
Emmanuel Chabrier (1841-1894)
4 Rapsodie
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
5 Bolero 14:44
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in May 1957; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Symphony No.6 in F Major Op.68 "Pastorale"
1 Ⅰ Allegro ma mon troppo "Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei den Ankunft auf dem Lande" 9:42
2 Ⅱ Andante molto mosso "Szene am Bach" 13:17
3 Ⅲ Allegro "Lustiges Zusammensein der Landleute" 3:09
4 Ⅳ Allegro "Gewitter, Sturm" 4:01
5 Ⅴ Allegretto "Hirtengesang - Frore und dankbare Gef?hle nach dem Strum" 8:52
Symphony No.7 in A Major Op.92
6 Ⅰ Poco sostenuto 13:11
7 Ⅱ Allegretto 9:20
8 Ⅲ Presto 7:47
9 Ⅳ Allegro con brio 7:11
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1951; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Il Cimento Dell' Armonia e Dell' Inventzione Op.8
Le Quattro Stagioni
In E Major. "La Primavera"
1 Allegro 3:10
2 Largo 4:36
3 Allegro 4:18
In G Minor. "L' Estate"
4 Allegro non molto 5:41
5 Adagio 2:56
6 Presto 2:47
In F Major. "L' Autunno"
7 Allegro 5:01
8 Adagio molto 2:08
9 Allegro 3:03
In F Minor. "L' Inverno"
10 Allegro non molto 5:16
11 Largo 2:37
12 Allegro 3:20
Julian Olevsky (violin)
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1958
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
Trumpet Concerto in E Flat Major
1 Ⅰ Allegro 5:55
2 Ⅱ Andante 3:31
3 Ⅲ Allegro 4:07
Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709)
Trumpet Concerto in D Major
4 Ⅰ Allegro 1:53
5 Ⅱ Adagio - Allegro 6:00
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Concerto for Two Trumpets and Orchestra in C Major Op.46·1
6 Ⅰ Allegro 3:22
7 Ⅱ Largo - Allegro 4:41
Georg Friedrich H?ndel (1685-1759)
Concerto for Two Trumpets and Orchestra in D Major
8 Ⅰ Largo 2:56
9 Ⅱ Allegro 3:24
10 Ⅲ Allegro ma non troppo 2:07
Roger Delmotte (trumpet)
Arthur Haneuse (trumpet)
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in November 1960
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Symphony No.1 in C Minor Op.68
1 Ⅰ Un poco sostenuto - Allegro
2 Ⅱ Andante sostenuto
3 Ⅲ Un poco allegretto e grazioso
4 Ⅳ Adagio - Piu andante - Allegro non troppo, ma con brio
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in 1953
Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868)
1 Wiliam Tell Overture 11:39
Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek (1860-1945)
2 Donna Diana Overture 5:33
Louis-Joseph-Fredinand Herold (1791-1833)
3 Zampa Overture 9:02
Daniel-Francois-Esprit Auber (1782-1871)
4 Fra Diavolo Overture 7:49
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in 1957
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Violin Concerto No.1 in A Minor BWV1041
1 Ⅰ Allegro moderato 4:46
2 Ⅱ Andante 6:42
3 Ⅲ Allegro assai 4:35
Violin Concerto No.2 in E Major BWV1042
4Ⅰ Allegro 8:32
5 Ⅱ Adagio 6:42
6 Ⅲ Allegro assai 2:55
Walter Barylli (violin)
Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in 1954; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)
Octet in F Major Hob.Ⅱ: F7 (Probably by Paul Wranitsky [1756-1808])
7 Ⅰ Allegro molto 3:51
8 Ⅱ Adagio con variazioni 3:57
9 Ⅲ Minuetto 2:46
10 Ⅳ Finale: Allegro 3:30
Vienna Philharmonic Wind Group
Recorded in 1949; Konzerthaus, Vienna
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Clarinet Concerto in A Major K.622
1 Ⅰ Allegro 12:49
2 Ⅱ Adagio 8:01
3 Ⅲ Rondo: Allegro 9:12
Bassoon Concerto in B Flat Major K.191 (186e)
4 Ⅰ Allegro 8;04
5 Ⅱ Andante ma adagio 7:41
6 Ⅲ Rondo: Tempo di Menuetto 4:37
Leopold Wlach (clarinet)
Karl ?hlberger (bassoon)
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in 1954; Mozartsaal, Konzerthaus, Vienna
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Sinfonia Concertante in E Flat Major K.364 (320d)
1 Ⅰ Allegro maestoso 13:02
2 Ⅱ Andante 12:01
3 Ⅲ Presto 6:32
Walter Barylli (violin)
Paul Doktor (viola)
Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera
Felix Prohaska
Recorded in 1951; Mozartsaal, Vienna
Sinfonia Concertante in E Flat Major K.297b (Anh.C14.01)
4 Ⅰ Allegro 13:09
5 Ⅱ Adagio 10:02
6 Ⅲ Andantino con variazioni 9:12
Vienna Philharmonic Wind Group
Chamber Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera
Henry Swoboda
Recorded in 1949; Konzerthaus, Vienna
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major, Op.77
1 Ⅰ Allegro non troppo 20:55
2 Ⅱ Adagio 9:22
3 Ⅲ Allegro giocoso, ma troppo non vivace - Poco pi? presto 8:00
Peter Il'yich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major, Op.35
4 Ⅰ Allegro moderato 17:34
5 Ⅱ Canzonetta, Andante 6:28
6 Ⅲ Finale. Allegro vivacissimo 8:16
Erica Morini (violin)
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski
Recorded in September 1956; Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London
Gustav Holst (1874-1934)
The Planets, Op.32
1 Ⅰ Mars, the Bringer of War 7:18
2 Ⅱ Venus, the Bringer of Peace 8:39
3 Ⅲ Mercury, the Winged Messenger 4:03
4 Ⅳ Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity 8:30
5 Ⅴ Saturn the Bringer of Old Age 8:24
6 Ⅵ Uranus, the Magician 6:26
7 Ⅶ Neptune, the Mystic 6:21
Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
8 Fantasia on "Greensleeves" for String Orchestra, Harp and Two Flutes 4:44
9 Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis for String Quartet and Double String Orchestra 16:24
Vienna Academy Chamber Choir
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Sir Adrian Boult
Recorded in March 1959; Mozartsaal, Konzerthaus, Vienna
Disc 1
Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
Hungarian Rhapsodies Nos.1-6
1 Hungarian Rhapsody No.1 (No.14 in the piano version) 12:19
2 Hungarian Rhapsody No.4 (No.12 in the piano version) 12:08
3 Hungarian Rhapsody No.3 (No.6 in the piano version) 8:38
4 Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (No.2 in the piano version) 12:13
5 Hungarian Rhapsody No.5 "Heroide ?l?giaque" (No.5 in the piano version) 12:50
6 Hungarian Rhapsody No.6 "Carnival in Pest" (No.9 in the piano version) 13:54
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in April 1959; Mozartsaal, Konzerthaus, Vienna
Disc 2
Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
1 Les Pr?ludes, Symphonic Poem No.3 15:37
2 Mazeppa, Symphonic Poem No.6 13:01
3 Battle of the Huns, Symphonic Poem No.11 13:22
4 Mephisto Waltz No.1 - The Dance in the Village Inn (No.2 from "Two Episodes from Lenau's faust" 14:25
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
Hermann Scherchen
Recorded in June 1957 (1,4) / April 1959 (2,3); Mozartsaal, Konzerthaus, Vienna
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.19 in F Major, K.459
1 Ⅰ Allegro vivace (Cadenza: W.A. Mozart) 12:15
2 Ⅱ Allegretto 9:04
3 Ⅲ Allegro assai (Cadenza: W.A. Mozart) 7:11
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.3 in C Minor, Op.37
4 Ⅰ Allegro con brio (Cadenza: L. v. Beethoven) 16:38
5 Ⅱ Largo 9:43
6 Ⅲ Rondo · Allegro 9:27
Clara Haskil (piano)
Winterthur Symphony Orchestra
Henry Swoboda
Recorded in September, October 1950; Winterthur
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No.3 in C Minor, Op.37
1 Ⅰ Allegro con brio 17:13
2 Ⅱ Largo 10:08
3 Ⅲ Rondo. Allegro 9:20
4 Fantasia for Piano, Chorus and Orchestra in C Minor, Op.80 20:53
Daniel Barenboim (piano)
Vienna Academy Chamber Chior
Vienna State Opera Orchestra
L?szl? Somogyi
Recorded in May 1964; Mozartsaal, Konzerthaus, Vienna